: Currently reading: Pandora’s Star by Peter F. Hamilton 📚

: Starting off my Monday by joining two different WebEx meetings at the same time. Yeah I think it’s …

: Explored Shoreview Park/Boeing Creek Park this afternoon.

: Afternoon stroll through Ravenna Park.

: I’ve started a re-watch of Babylon 5 with my younger child. It’s been a lot of fun …

: So much work to do, so little motivation. It’s going to be a long day. 😞

: Afternoon at the ballpark.

: Taking the new COSMIC desktop environment from System76 for a spin this morning. Installed it in a …

: Live performance by Shamarr Allen at work today. Makes for a nice break in the stressful day job.

: I haven’t been much for going to the cinema to see whatever the hot new film is since covid. But …

: Tonight’s Silent Movie Monday.

: Sunday afternoon visiting the lighthouse in Mukilteo.

: I’ve gone ahead and set my fediverse username, @spacenerdmo@spacenerdmo.org. Going to be very …

: And related to my previous post… The downside to working in downtown Seattle is when light …

: Unexpected perk of working in a downtown Seattle skyscraper. I’m getting a good view of the Blue …

: Morning commute It’s been a little over a year since I’ve moved to Seattle and my commute switched to being reliant …

: Quick test of some cross-posting magic I hacked together.

: It’s that time again. Having a cookie and giving some blood. 🩸

: It’s really gross how much of this Copilot garbage is showing up in all of Microsoft products. And …

: I want to write a bot to do my day job for me. So that I can have more time to write bots.

: Hello from the new micro blog.