Morning commute
It’s been a little over a year since I’ve moved to Seattle and my commute switched to being reliant on mass transit. For the most part it’s been glorious but it does have the occasional challenge. Today’s morning commute involved trains being single tracked, having to switch trains at the second stop, and then train losing power in the tunnel between stations for about 5 minutes. With all that it still took me less time to get to work as compared to my old commute by car in California.
Quick test of some cross-posting magic I hacked together.
It’s that time again. Having a cookie and giving some blood. 🩸
It’s really gross how much of this Copilot garbage is showing up in all of Microsoft products. And because my employer is such a heavy Microsoft user it is getting harder to simply ignore. 😖
I want to write a bot to do my day job for me. So that I can have more time to write bots.
Hello from the new micro blog.